Our story is unique.
A cellar dug into the tuff 400 years ago.

The Torre in Pietra estate was purchased in 1926 by Senator Luigi Albertini.
Forced to sell the iconic Italian newspaper, Corriere della Sera, because of his dissent with the fascist regime, Senator Albertini decided to buy the historical estate in the middle of the roman countryside.

Senator Albertini embarked on the new entrepreneurial adventure and began the great work of reclaiming the  land. His son Leonardo Albertini and his son-in-law Nicolò Carandini followed his work founding a large and modern farm which extended over 2,500 hectares of land.
Thanks to them, black spotted cows specialized in milk production, were introduced in Italy for the first time and a model company was set up. Torre in Pietra became a well-loved brand as it was the first company to sell packaged milk. It became Rome’s milk.